Have you ever had God talk to you? I don't think I've ever felt God tell me something. Not the way some people say. Maybe I'm not listening.
What does it mean when someone says that God has talked to them? Does that mean they literally heard his voice? Or maybe He imparted thoughts directly into their brain. I've never really understood how that works exactly as I don't think I've ever experienced it.
Maybe I'm not listening? Maybe I'm too busy with "me" stuff, and I'm not listening to "Him" stuff? I like to think I'm living His will, not mine, but sometimes I don't really understand what that means. Someone once told me that God doesn't talk to me because I'm a heathen for not believing in a sexist, hateful God who prefers rules over love. Granted that was on a forum, as I don't tend to have discussions like that in real-life (not for lack of not wanting to, more because I just don't associate with people like that).
I'd love to hear from Him. Hear what He has to say to me. For my life. I just kinda roll with things, and pretend like what I'm doing is His will for me. Whether it is or not I really don't know, but then maybe He is at work in my life and I just don't know it?
It's weird. I'm going to learn how to listen. Maybe He's been saying stuff all along and I'm just not listening.
A Christian is a Christian, be they right, left, evangelical, emergent or conservative. If you believe that Christ died for your sins and is the Son of God, then His Will will work through you and the rest will come naturally. And isn't that all that really matters in the end? These are just my views from where I sit wherever it is in the spectrum of Christianity that I am. I wrote a little blurb here explaining a little more.
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Hey, so I do not have all the answers. But i believe God talks to us in different ways. through the Bible, through others, to our hearts, and i am sure other ways. I am sure you have heard from God and maybe just didn't know it or maybe didn't know to call it God telling you something. But like i said i don't have all the answers and maybe i am not sharing clearly, who knows, i just know from my experance and what i been taught. but now on to read more of what you have writen
I've always had an inner urging to be a minister - ever since I can remember (since I was a young child)...
...I think God was speaking.
...I have read a number of Scriptures that 'spoke' to me, encouraged me, and challenged me.
...I think God was speaking.
When I 'heard God' say, 'Go to Japan', my wife didn't hear that.
Soo, I told her, 'If there is no peace for you to go to Japan, then, of course we won't - it wouldn't even be considered.'
A couple of weeks later she came back to me and said, 'I've been praying about it, I think we should go. I'm at peace with the idea, and we should make the decision to go.'
I said, 'Awesome!'
...I think God was speaking.
Then I said, let's take the potential decision to a few places: our home group, our families, and our church family.
All groups prayed with us and prayerfully discerned along with us to 'go'.
...I think God was speaking.
I think you're right, Chris, that God is speaking a lot of the time. I also think you're right, Chris, that it's often we who are not listening.
Blessings, my bro'.
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